We Listen
You Prosper
Who We Are.
Our belief is in providing well-qualified professionals, passionate about finances, and genuinely committed to giving you the finest advice and support possible.
What We Do

About Alexander Beard Australia
Alexander Beard Australia was established in 2004 and is a member of the Alexander Beard Group which was founded in the UK in 1987. Initially focussed on UK Expatriates, AB Australia now provides a wide-range of financial and lifestyle services to clients who reside in Australia.

What Makes Us Different?
Alexander Beard Australia will provide you with a comprehensive package of services that enables you to create and manage your financial affairs in Australia and other Jurisdictions. The services include the creation and maintenance of a financial and lifestyle plan; development and management of relevant investment strategies (including if applicable, consolidation and transfer of overseas assets), and implementation of personal and wealth protection measures (insurances etc).

Regulatory Terms
Alexander Beard (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN: 68 117 524 580 is a Corporate Authorised Representative 297995 of PFP Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 45 653 557 405 | AFSL 535484. General financial advice and information provided by PFP Financial Services Pty Ltd AFSL 535484 and its authorised representatives and employees should not be relied upon without first obtaining specific professional advice from your financial adviser before taking any action. Please click here for our Privacy Policy and other Important Information.

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Global Coverage

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Alexander Beard Australia and it’s Financial Advisers are Authorised Representatives of PFP Financial Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 535484). ABA is a member of Alexander Beard Group of Companies Limited. Registered in England No. 2144184. Copyright © 2020 Alexander Beard Group of Companies Limited - International Financial & Emigration Services Organisation - All Rights Reserved