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Image by Fahrul Azmi


Image by Sean Pollock

Investment News

What the 2024 General Election could mean for your finances

On 4 July 2024, the UK electorate will go to the polls to decide the next government.

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ABG Market Commentary - September 2023

In the history of mistaken political slogans, one that ranks above most others was the moment when President George W Bush stood on the deck of the USS Missouri and declared the war in Iraq to be over under a banner screaming ‘Mission Accomplished’.

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ABG Market Commentary -
June 2023

The last few weeks have seen equity markets gyrate in response to earnings and economic data. 
The recent earnings season marked a full year since the start of the war in Ukraine. Most US large cap companies exceeded analyst expectatio
ns in Q1 2023.

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ABG Market Commentary -
May 2023

So far, this year has experienced a bumper start with both bonds and equities rallying. The decline in inflation appears to have lifted the gloom in markets and investors have started to shift away from an ultra-defensive stance. 

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ABG Market Commentary -
April 2023

The light at the end of the tunnel may be brighter, but we are not out of the woods yet.
The first quarter of 2023 has come and gone. As we wait for Spring, the prevailing gloom in markets has given way to a renewed sense of optimism. 

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ABG Market Commentary - March 2023

The last few weeks have unearthed a potential downside to the unexpected strength in the  global economy. 2023 started with a plethora of positive economic data. European retail 
sales were better than expected, the US economy created 517,000 new jobs in January and Chinese industrial activity rebounded. 

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Skyscrapers and Sky


June 2024

What is the retirement “tax creep” and how can you limit its effect? And more from our latest update...

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May 2024

How overcoming home bias could benefit your portfolio...

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February 2024

"A belated happy new year.

As the year is just beginning, I don’t have a great deal to report, but we did start the new year with two new advisers joining our UK team"

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September 2023

"Welcome to edition Q4/23 of our quarterly client newsletter.
This edition contains some very interesting and useful articles and showcases the breadth of experience and talent we have at ABG."

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May 2023



"Welcome to our 2nd client newsletter of the year.

The world continues to be beset by politically driven problems, which are suppressing the growth of most major economies, but there are signs of life with inflation, whilst too high for anyone’s comfort, is slowly coming under control and I believe we will see interest rates flattening if not falling over the next two quarters."

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February 2023

"Welcome to our 1st client newsletter of 2023.There are a number of interesting articles attached, containing some valuable advice, particularly around cyber security."
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October 2022

"Welcome to the 3rd quarter/Autumn client newsletter.
I am please to include the first contribution from our colleagues in our newly opened Dublin office, with Director Feargal McKenna, discussing the forthcoming auto enrolment pension legislation in Ireland."

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May 2022


"Since our last newsletter, the world has seemingly turned on its head. Clearly the most concerning development is the war in Ukraine and there can't be many sane people who don't wish the Ukrainians well, in their struggle for freedom and independence."  

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