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Guillaume Hublot

Director: France - Alexander Beard (France) SAS

Guillaume Hublot
Modern Bridge

33 (4) 28 29 07 34

65 Rue du Président Édouard Herriot, Lyon, France

International Directors

Guillaume’s career in financial services began in 2001 at SCP Oudot & Associés, based in Paris. His legal background, as a qualified French notary and a doctorate in law helped him develop international inheritance and succession client solutions.

​In 2005 he joined Alcyone Patrimoine as a wealth planning consultant, before moving to Lyon where he extended his wealth planning, family law and international law experience with SCP Porte et Associés, Notaires.

​In 2007 with Nicolas Medan, he co-founded KMH.

​Guillaume has given presentations and published several works on a wide range of financial and legal issues and is regularly invited to speak at conferences and workshops.


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